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Ping An Finance Center: Menara Megah yang Membuat Shenzhen Berkilau


Amidst the sparkling lights and splendor of modern architecture, the Ping An Finance Center in the Futian business district, Shenzhen, China, achieved the pinnacle of achievement as one of the tallest buildings in the world. With a height of 599 meters, this building is the basis for the existence of rapid economic development in the region. The headquarters of Chinese insurance company Ping An, located in the Futian business district, Shenzhen, China, stands out as one of the wonders of modern architecture by being the fourth tallest building in the world. With a height of 599 meters and designed by the renowned architect team Kohn Pederson Fox (KPF), Ping An Finance Center boasts 100 floors designed to accommodate no less than 15,500 employees. As an amazing addition, the building also offers an extraordinary viewing experience via the observation deck, estimated to attract visits of as many as 9,000 people every day.

Construction of this megaproject was successfully completed in December 2017, experiencing a seven-year construction period full of challenges. In an effort to deal with wind pressure, the design of this building specifically features a tapered top, reducing the impact of wind pressure by up to 40 percent.

Interestingly, stainless steel columns are used in the building structure, demonstrating the care taken in adapting to Shenzhen's typical humid climate. In addition, the retail area that occupies five floors and a conference lobby is designed as a podium, creating an 'amphitheatre'-like atmosphere that seeks to maximize natural sunlight.

Kohn Pederson Fox (KPF), as the architect behind this achievement, is not only famous for the Ping An Finance Center but has also achieved success in other skyscraper projects around the world. For example, they completed the second tallest building in China in Guangzhou and the 555 meter high Lotte World Tower in Seoul, which is the fifth tallest building in the world after the Ping An Finance Center.

It doesn't stop there, KPF is also actively designing the 68-story Manhattan Point Tower in New York, which, when completed, will become the second tallest building in the city. All these achievements demonstrate KPF's great contribution in shaping the skylines of major cities in various parts of the world, embracing modern aesthetics and continuously evolving construction technologies.

Highest Architectural Achievement:

Ping An Finance Center, designed by the renowned Kohn Pederson Fox (KPF) architectural team, marks a remarkable architectural and construction technological achievement. With 100 floors that can accommodate more than 15,000 employees, this building is a center of business activity and innovation.

Observation Deck:

Salah satu fitur unggulan dari gedung ini adalah dek observasi yang menghadirkan panorama indah Shenzhen. Dengan diperkirakan 9.000 pengunjung setiap harinya, dek observasi memberikan pengalaman tak terlupakan yang memadukan kemegahan perkotaan dengan keindahan alam.

Konstruksi yang Canggih:

Pembangunan Ping An Finance Center memakan waktu tujuh tahun, dan hasilnya sangat memuaskan. Desain bangunan yang meruncing pada bagian atasnya bukan hanya estetis, tetapi juga berfungsi mengurangi dampak tekanan angin secara signifikan. Penggunaan tiang baja anti-karat tidak hanya menunjukkan kecermatan teknis tetapi juga ketangguhan strukturalnya menghadapi iklim khas Shenzhen yang lembap.

Fungsi dan Keberlanjutan:

Gedung ini tidak hanya menjadi landmark, tetapi juga merangkul konsep keberlanjutan. Area pertokoan seluas lima lantai dan lobi konferensi membentuk podium yang menciptakan atmosfer 'amfiteater', memaksimalkan pencahayaan alami dan menciptakan ruang bersama yang dinamis.

KPF: Mencetak Tanda di Langit Dunia:

Kohn Pederson Fox (KPF) sebagai arsitek utama menjelma menjadi pemimpin dalam perancangan gedung pencakar langit di seluruh dunia. Dengan proyek lain seperti gedung tertinggi kedua di China di Guangzhou dan Lotte World Tower di Seoul, KPF membuktikan diri sebagai kekuatan di balik siluet kota-kota modern.


Ping An Finance Center di Shenzhen, China, muncul sebagai landasan megah kemajuan ekonomi dan pencapaian arsitektur modern. Dengan ketinggian mencapai 599 meter, gedung ini bukan hanya menjadi simbol kemegahan fisik, tetapi juga mencerminkan daya saing Shenzhen di panggung global. Dirancang oleh Kohn Pederson Fox, gedung ini tidak hanya sebuah pencakar langit, melainkan ikon inovasi teknologi konstruksi dan estetika modern. Dengan kapasitas besar dan dek observasi yang mengagumkan, Ping An Finance Center menjadi pusat kegiatan bisnis dan destinasi wisata yang mengilhami, sementara kontribusi KPF melalui proyek ini memperkuat perannya dalam membentuk skyline kota-kota besar di seluruh dunia. Dengan demikian, keberadaan Ping An Finance Center bukan hanya sebuah struktur fisik, tetapi juga cerminan ambisi dan prestasi yang menandai perkembangan pesat Shenzhen di era kontemporer.

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